Italian regional speech archive based on VINCA research project

The data offered on this website are the result of different research studies conducted in the project VINCA based on the University of Turin.

They are offered in mp3 format (128 kbps) licensed "Creative Commons NC"; they are freely downloadable and can be used for reasearch, cultural and educational purposes, with the only obligation being to acknowledge the sources: A. Romano, V. De Iacovo (2017). "Le voci di VINCA: riferimenti generali nelle produzioni di un campione di parlanti nativi." In: E. Corino – C. Onesti (a cura di), Italiano d’apprendenti. Studi a partire dai corpora VALICO E VINCA, Perugia: Guerra Edizioni (PDF).

Click on the orange button to listen to one Italian regional variety description.

Copyright © 2017 Valentina De Iacovo