Vowels and diphthongs

Vowels and diphthongs U [u]

Vowels and diphthongs. Exercise 29.1.1

Listen, repeat and transcribe the following words.

1) ululo; ultimo; uno; Ursula
2) Corfù; Cefalù; Marilù; tutù
3) sussurra; farfuglia; imburro; insulta

1) [ˈuːlulo]; [ˈultimo]; [ˈuːno]; [ˈursula]
2) [koɾˈfu]; [t̠͡ʃefaˈlu]; [maɾiˈlu]; [tuˈtu]
3) [suˈsːurːa] ([suˈsːurɾa]); [faɾˈfuʎːa]; [imˈburːo] ([imˈburɾo]); [inˈsulta]

Vowels and diphthongs. Exercise 29.1.2

Listen and write the words you will hear.

1) futuro 2) usuraio 3) surgelato 4) guru
5) cucù 6) giù 7) puntura 8) congiuntura 9) bruciatura

Vowels and diphthongs. Exercise 29.1.3

Listen to the words and fill the gap with the missing vowels (O o U).

1) g__f__ 2) r__ss__ 3 ) p__lit__ 4) v__l__t__
5) m__lt__ 6) c__rn__t__ 7) c__tt__ 8) s__t__r__

1) u / o 2) u / o 3) u / o 4) o / u / o
5) u / o 6) o / u / o 7) o / o 8) u / u / o

Vowels and diphthongs. Exercise 29.1.4

Listen to the words and highlight the stressed vowel.

1) burro 2) urlamelo 3 ) pulisci 4) insultato
5) imbuto 6) ubriaco 7) musica 8) urlo

1) bu̠rro 2) u̠rlamelo 3) puli̠sci 4) insulta̠to 5) imbu̠to 6) ubria̠co 7) mu̠sica 8) u̠rlo

Vowels and diphthongs. Exercise 29.1.6

Listen and repeat the sentences.

1) Puoi pure urlare di più!
2) Undici undicesimi e un undicesimo fanno dodici undicesimi.
3) Ultimo, penultimo e terzultimo.