Geminated consonants

10. LATERALS [lː]

LATERALS. Exercise 11.1.1

Listen, repeat and transcribe the following words:

gallo – pollo – giallo – collo – valle

[ˈgalːo] – [ˈpolːo] – [ˈd͡ʒalːo] – [ˈkɔlːo] – [ˈvalːe]

LATERALS. Exercise 11.1.2

Listen, repeat and transcribe the following words (minimal pairs):

vale / valle; gala / galla; pala / palla

[ˈvaːle] / [ˈvalːe]; [ˈgaːla] / [ˈgalːa]; [ˈpaːla] / [ˈpalːa]

LATERALS. Exercise 11.2.1

Which is the strange word in each of these series? What do the other three words have in common?

1) sulla – dalla – bella – nella
2) pollo – galla – gallo – gallina

1) bella 2) galla

LATERALS. Exercise 11.2.2

Find the words, answer, complete... (solutions contain at least one of the following sounds: [lː])

1) Il sole è ...
2) Serve per incollare.
3) L’ ... è un atterraggio sulla luna.
4) Rendere più lento.

1) giallo 2) colla 3) allunaggio 4) allentare

LATERALS. Exercise 11.2.3

Listen and repeat the sentences:

1) Dal colle vedi la valle dall’erba gialla.
2) Dalle stelle alle stalle.