AMPER (Atlas Multimédia Prosodique de l'Espace Roman) is a project that concerns the creation of a multimedia prosodic Atlas of the Romance area. Here are websites of the teams which have contributed locally to the project:

Suggested quotation: Mairano, P. (éd.) (2011). “Intonations Romanes”. Géolinguistique, hors série 4.
Project reference: ROMANO, A., M. CONTINI & J.-P.LAI (2014) « L’Atlas Multimédia Prosodique de l’Espace Roman: uno strumento per lo studio della variazione geoprosodica », in F. Tosques (éd.) 20 Jahre digitale Sprachgeographie, Berlin: Humboldt-Universität - Institut für Romanistik, 27-51.


Download AMPER-fox and AMPER-dat scripts (for Matlab).

Download the Matlab script which allows to compare four different intonation curves.

Visit Albert Rilliard's personal page for information about the AMPER_pour_PRAAT script and about Interface_AMPER.

Configuration of the computer for AMPER-fox scripts (or anterior) and Matlab software.

Everybody has their own version of the Matlab software (tailored to their own computer and their own version of Windows). In my case, I have installed Matlab 6.5.1 in the folder C: and I have copied the AMPER-fox scripts (folder “AMPERfox” or, previous version, “fopt”) in the folder c:\MATLAB6p5p1\bin\fopt. At the start, the software begins with the following path: c:\MATLAB6p5p1\work. In this position I have a small file, which I have named AMPERfox.m* and which I launch at the beginning of the work session to activate the scripts (once opened the command prompt Matlab, you need only to type “AMPERfox”).

After doing so, I have chosen the working folder of Matlab (the one where I have my file .wav which I want to analyse) with the command cdAMPER (see the second small file attached). On the condition that you have created a data folder at the following position: d:/documenti/corpus/AMPER/

Then, after you have chosen the folder, where to save data of speaker/region on which you want to work, e.g. folder “232”, you can write directly “cd 232” and start to work on files 232xxxxx.wav, which are in the folder. The sequence of commands to use is always the same at the beginning (for each repetition):

  • "vox" (the previous vunv), then
  • "fox" (the previous fof), then
  • "dox" (the previous smooth), then
  • "box" (the previous hmdl),

to make respectively the segmentation, the evaluation of F0, the correction of errors and the stylization. All measurements are so stored in a .txt file (and, if you save it, also in a .dfo file) which you can open with any text editor or, for example, view as a curve with the help of command “hzgr” (see the documentation of the scripts).

*(file name) AMPERfox.m
(file content) path(path,'c:\MATLAB6p5p1\bin\fopt')
**(file name) cdAMPER.m
(file content) cd d:/documenti/corpus/AMPER/